Until today, the typical inspection method for Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) has been rope inspections: time consuming, dangerous, and not very accurate. For blades on the other hand, autonomous drone inspections have become the new standard and provides high-quality visual inspection data.

So why not combine the two into one single, safe and efficient inspection?

The benefits are clear:

✓ Safe inspections (no more ropes)
✓ Drastically reduced downtime (2-in-1)
✓ Accurate planning (flights allowed up to 12m/s and -10 degrees)
✓ High-quality inspection data (accurate damage detection)

Watch the interview with Tom Sulzer from Sulzer Schmid and Konrad Iffarth from Enertrag to learn how it works and how the partnership came about.

Download the infographic to find out more!

Infographic_EN_2-in-1 inspection solution LPS and rotor blades[31]